Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C

Embark on a linguistic adventure with Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C, where you’ll delve into a treasure trove of new words that will elevate your communication skills and expand your understanding of the world.

This unit delves into the intricacies of word relationships, unlocking the connections between words based on meaning, usage, and structure. Prepare to witness the transformative power of language as you master the nuances of vocabulary.

Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C Overview

Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C expands your vocabulary with a focus on words commonly used in academic and professional settings.

This unit covers concepts such as:

  • Words related to education, research, and communication
  • Words used to describe complex ideas and concepts
  • Words that enhance your ability to express yourself precisely

Word List and Definitions

In this section, we will explore a comprehensive list of essential vocabulary words from Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C. These words are carefully curated to enhance your comprehension and communication skills in English. Let’s dive right into the table below, which provides the word, its definition, part of speech, and an illustrative example sentence.

In vocabulary unit 2 level c, you will learn about various chemical compounds, including cis 2 5 dimethyl 3 hexene . This compound is an alkene with the molecular formula C8H16 and has a distinct structure. Its properties and applications will be covered in the unit, enhancing your understanding of organic chemistry.

Vocabulary Table

Word Definition Part of Speech Example Sentence
Abbreviate To shorten or condense a word or phrase by omitting certain letters or syllables Verb She abbreviated the word “professor” to “prof.”
Accommodate To provide space or facilities for; to make suitable Verb The hotel accommodated the large group of tourists comfortably.
Acquisition The act of getting or obtaining something Noun The acquisition of new knowledge was his primary goal.
Adversity A difficult or unfortunate circumstance Noun Despite facing adversity, she remained optimistic.
Allege To state or claim, especially without proof Verb The witness alleged that he saw the suspect fleeing the scene.
Apprehension A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen Noun He felt a growing apprehension as he approached the exam hall.
Authenticate To prove or establish the genuineness or truth of something Verb The document was authenticated by an official notary.
Benevolent Kind, generous, or well-meaning Adjective The benevolent stranger offered help to the lost child.
Capable Having the ability or skill to do something Adjective She was a capable student who excelled in all her subjects.
Compel To force or oblige someone to do something Verb The law compels citizens to pay their taxes.

Contextual Examples

Contextual examples provide a clear understanding of how words are used in different situations. Here are some sentences that demonstrate the correct usage of five words from Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C:


  • The hotel was able to accommodate the large group of guests comfortably.
  • The teacher had to accommodate the student’s learning disability by providing extra support.


  • The company acquired a new software program to improve its efficiency.
  • She acquired a vast collection of books over the years.


  • The student showed a natural aptitude for math and science.
  • The employee has a proven aptitude for problem-solving.


  • The team had to circumvent the obstacle by taking a different route.
  • The company found a way to circumvent the regulations without breaking the law.


  • The teacher emphasized the importance of reading every day.
  • The speaker emphasized the need for unity and cooperation.

Word Relationships: Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C

Words in Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C are connected through various relationships, including meaning, usage, and structure. Understanding these relationships enhances vocabulary comprehension and effective language use.

Meaning Relationships

Synonymsare words with similar or identical meanings. For example, “happy” and “joyful” are synonyms. Antonyms, on the other hand, have opposite meanings. “Happy” and “sad” are antonyms. Hyponymsare words that are more specific than another word.

“Car” is a hyponym of “vehicle.” Hypernymsare words that are more general than another word. “Vehicle” is a hypernym of “car.”

Usage Relationships, Vocabulary unit 2 level c

Words can also be related based on their usage. Collocationsare words that frequently appear together. “Heavy rain” is a collocation. Phrasal verbsare verbs that are used with a preposition or adverb to create a new meaning. “Look up” is a phrasal verb.

Idiomsare phrases that have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the individual words. “Kick the bucket” means to die.

Structural Relationships

Words can be related through their structure. Root wordsare the basic form of a word from which other words are derived. “Happy” is the root word for “happiness” and “unhappy.” Prefixesare added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

“Un-” is a prefix that means “not.” Suffixesare added to the end of a word to change its meaning or part of speech. “-ly” is a suffix that creates adverbs.Understanding these word relationships enables effective vocabulary development and enhances communication skills.

Word Usage in Writing

Vocabulary unit 2 level c

Incorporate at least three words from Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C to demonstrate their correct usage in a coherent and meaningful context.

For instance, the astutedetective meticulously examined the enigmaticclue, seeking to elucidatethe mystery that surrounded the crime scene.

Common Queries

What is the purpose of Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C?

Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C aims to expand your vocabulary, enhance your understanding of word relationships, and improve your communication skills.

How many words are covered in Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C?

The exact number of words covered in Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C may vary depending on the specific curriculum or resource you are using. However, it typically includes a substantial number of new words to enhance your vocabulary.

How can I effectively learn the words in Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C?

To effectively learn the words in Vocabulary Unit 2 Level C, it is recommended to engage in active recall techniques such as flashcards, spaced repetition, and writing exercises. Regular practice and consistent review will help you retain the new words and improve your overall vocabulary.